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Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Trois couleurs: Rouge (Three Colours: Red) (1994)
La double vie de Véronique (The Double Life of Véronique) (1991)
Shichinin no samurai (Seven Samurai) (1954)
Eraserhead (1977)
Blue Velvet (1986)
Ladri di biciclette (The Bicycle Thieves) (1948)
Les quatre cents coups (The Four Hundred Blows) (1959)
Pierrot le fou (1965)
En duva satt på en gren och funderade på tillvaron (A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence) (2014)
Kakushi-toride no san-akunin (The Hidden Fortress) (1958)
Pickpocket (1959)
Mouchette (1967)
Au hasard Balthazar (Balthazar) (1966)
Journal d'un curé de campagne (Diary of a Country Priest) (1951)
Tsubaki Sanjûrô (1962)
Andrey Rublyov (1966)
Yôjinbô (Yojimbo) (1961)
Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle (Jede für sich und Gott gegen alle (subtitle The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser)) (1974)
8½ (Eight and a Half) (1963)
La dolce vita (La Dolce Vita) (1960)
La strada (1954)
Roma (Fellini's Roma) (1972)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
The Searchers (1956)
Trois couleurs: Bleu (Three Colors: Blue) (1993)
Ran (1985)
Woyzeck (1979)
Playtime (1967)
Kumonosu-jô (Throne of Blood) (1957)