Baldwin Cooke's movies and tv series

Tit for Tat (1935)
Thicker Than Water (1935)
Them Thar Hills (1934)
The Live Ghost (1934)
Going Bye-Bye! (1934)
Twice Two (1933)
Any Old Port! (1932)
County Hospital (1932)
The Chimp (1932)
Scram! (1932)
Be Big! (1931)
One Good Turn (1931)
Chickens Come Home- (1931)
Beau Hunks (1931)
Night Owls (1930)
Blotto (1930)
Below Zero (1930)
Perfect Day (1929)
Men O'War (1929)
The Hoose-Gow (1929)
Berth Marks (1929)
Two Tars (Two Tough Tars) (1928)