Barbara Steele oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Minutes Past Midnight (Little Terrors presents 'Minutes Past Midnight') (2016)
Kayip Nehir (Lost River) (2014)
The Butterfly Room (2012)
Dark Shadows (1991)
The Silent Scream (1979)
Piranha (1978)
Güzel Bebek (Pretty Baby) (1978)
Ürpertiler (Shivers) (1975)
Caged Heat (1974)
Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968)
Genç Törless (Der junge Törless) (1966)
Amanti d'oltretomba (Nightmare Castle) (1965)
Danza macabra (Castle of Blood) (1964)
Sekiz Bucuk (8½) (1963)
Hayalet (Lo spettro) (1963)
L'orribile segreto del Dr. Hichcock (The Terror of Dr. Hichcock) (1962)
Dehset Saati (Pit and the Pendulum) (1961)
Seytanin Maskesi (La maschera del demonio) (1960)