Fernandel's movies and tv series

Il compagno Don Camillo (Don Camillo in Moscow) (1965)
La cuisine au beurre (Cooking with Butter) (1963)
Don Camillo monsignore... ma non troppo (Don Camillo: Monsignor) (1961)
La vache et le prisonnier (The Cow and I) (1959)
Don Camillo e l'on. Peppone (1955)
Ali Baba et les 40 voleurs (Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves) (1954)
Le retour de Don Camillo (The Return of Don Camillo) (1953)
Don Camillo (The Little World of Don Camillo) (1952)
L'auberge rouge (The Red Inn) (1951)
Le schpountz (Heartbeat) (1938)
Un carnet de bal (Christine) (1937)