Maurice Barrier's movies and tv series

La vie et rien d'autre (Life and Nothing But) (1989)
The Fugitives (The Fugitives) (1986)
Les spécialistes (1985)
Le marginal (The Outsider) (1983)
The ComDads (The ComDads) (1983)
Le retour de Martin Guerre (The Return of Martin Guerre) (1982)
Coup de tête (Hothead) (1979)
La victoire en chantant (Black and White in Color) (1976)
Le Gitan (The Gypsy) (1975)
The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe (The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe) (1972)
La prise de pouvoir par Louis XIV (The Rise of Louis XIV) (1966)