Frameby | avesta - Watched
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Inception (2010)
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
Forrest Gump (1994)
Lakposhtha parvaz mikonand (Turtles Can Fly) (2004)
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Lucy (2014)
The Man from Earth (2007)
V for Vendetta (2005)
Up (2009)
The Imitation Game (2014)
Scent of a Woman (1992)
Oldeuboi (Oldboy) (2003)
Ocean's Eleven (2001)
No Country for Old Men (2007)
Lord of War (2005)
The Way Back (2010)
The Lone Ranger (2013)
CM101MMXI Fundamentals (Cem Yilmaz: CM101MMXI Fundamentals) (2013)
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
La vita è bella (Life Is Beautiful) (1997)
Schindler's List (1993)
Braveheart (1995)
Back to the Future (1985)
American History X (1998)
Fight Club (1999)
The Italian Job (2003)
Kingdom of Heaven (2005)