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46 movies or tv shows
Miracolo a Milano (Miracle in Milan) (1951)
M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (M) (1931)
Les quatre cents coups (The 400 Blows) (1959)
Stagecoach (1939)
Napoléon vu par Abel Gance (Napoleon) (1927)
The General (1926)
Sherlock Jr. (1924)
The Great Dictator (1940)
Citizen Kane (1941)
Modern Times (1936)
Stachka (Strike) (1925)
Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam (The Golem) (1920)
Das blaue Licht - Eine Berglegende aus den Dolomiten (The Blue Light) (1932)
Die Büchse der Pandora (Pandora's Box) (1929)
Ossessione (Obsession) (1943)
La Grande Illusion (La Grande Illusion) (1937)
La passion de Jeanne d'Arc (The Passion of Joan of Arc) (1928)
Oktyabr (October (Ten Days that Shook the World)) (1927)
Ivan Groznyy (Ivan the Terrible, Part I) (1944)
Ivan Groznyy. Skaz vtoroy: Boyarskiy zagovor (Ivan the Terrible, Part II) (1958)
Il grido (Il Grido) (1957)
Ladri di biciclette (Bicycle Thieves) (1948)
Riso amaro (Bitter Rice) (1949)
La règle du jeu (The Rules of the Game) (1939)
L'Atalante (1934)
Le quai des brumes (Port of Shadows) (1938)
Zéro de conduite: Jeunes diables au collège (Zero de Conduite) (1933)
Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will) (1935)
Metropolis (1927)
Der Student von Prag (A Bargain with Satan) (1913)