
50 movies or tv shows
Im Juli (In July) (2000)
August Rush (2007)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014)
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)
One Week (2008)
A Walk in the Woods (2015)
Lady Bird (2017)
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Kelebekler (Butterflies) (2018)
Eat Pray Love (2010)
Captain Fantastic (2016)
Lost in Translation (2003)
Vivir dos veces (Live Twice, Love Once) (2019)
Everybody's Fine (2009)
Wild (2014)
Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
Into the Wild (2007)
Due Date (2010)