Frameby | imderangedmylove - Wishlist
Tiny Furniture (2010)
Nói albinói (Noi the Albino) (2003)
Reality Bites (1994)
Palo Alto (2013)
The Color Purple (1985)
Precious (2009)
Roozi ke zan shodam (The Day I Became a Woman) (2000)
Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai Du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles) (1975)
Diana (2013)
Notes on a Scandal (2006)
Little Children (2006)
Birth (2004)
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
Dôruzu (2002)
La Môme (La Vie en Rose) (2007)
Sophie's Choice (1982)
Groundhog Day (1993)
La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano (The Legend of 1900) (1998)
Khaneh siah ast (The House Is Black) (1963)
La science des rêves (The Science of Sleep) (2006)
Ida (2013)
Sarki Söyleyen Kadinlar (2013)
Rusalka (Mermaid) (2007)
Medianeras (Sidewalls) (2011)
Ssa-i-bo-geu-ji-man-gwen-chan-a (I'm a Cyborg) (2006)
Libertarias (Freedomfighters) (1996)
Los lunes al sol (Mondays in the Sun) (2002)
No Man's Land (2001)
Dogville (The Film 'Dogville' as Told in Nine Chapters and a Prologue) (2003)
Naked Lunch (David Cronenberg's Naked Lunch) (1991)