Giacomo Rossi Stuart's movies and tv series

Emanuelle nera: Orient reportage (Black Emanuelle Goes East) (1976)
Zorro (1975)
La notte che Evelyn uscì dalla tomba (The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave) (1971)
Hornets' Nest (1970)
Un esercito di 5 uomini (The 5-Man Army) (1969)
Operazione paura (Kill Baby, Kill) (1966)
I coltelli del vendicatore (Knives of the Avenger) (1966)
The Last Man on Earth (The Damned Walk at Midnight) (1964)
Sodom and Gomorrah (The Last Days of Sodom and Gomorrah) (1962)
Caltiki il mostro immortale (Caltiki, the Immortal Monster) (1959)