Jean Lefebvre's movies and tv series

La 7ème compagnie au clair de lune (The Seventh Company Outdoors) (1977)
On a retrouvé la 7ème compagnie ! (The Seventh Company Has Been Found) (1975)
The Man from Acapulco (The Man from Acapulco) (1973)
Mais où est donc passée la 7ème compagnie (Now Where Did the Seventh Company Get to?) (1973)
Treasure Island (1972)
The Troops on Vacation (The Troops on Vacation) (1970)
Le gendarme se marie (The Troops get Married) (1968)
Ne nous fâchons pas (Let's Not Get Angry) (1966)
The Troops in New York (The Troops in New York) (1965)
Les tontons flingueurs (Monsieur Gangster) (1963)
Gigot (1962)