Chapman To's movies and tv series

Du cheng feng yun (The Man from Macau) (2014)
Dai juk hei kek (Vulgaria) (2012)
Bai she chuan shuo (Tha Sorcerer and the White Snake) (2011)
Cheung wong ji wong (Triple Tap) (2010)
Yi sa bui lai (Isabella) (2006)
Tau man ji D (Initial D) (2005)
The Beautiful Country (2004)
Dai lo oi mei lai (Enter the Phoenix) (2004)
Chin gei bin (The Twins Effect) (2003)
Dai cheung foo (Men Suddenly in Black) (2003)
Hak bak sam lam (Colour of the Truth) (2003)
Mou gaan dou (Infernal Affairs) (2002)