Gabriele Tinti's movies and tv series

Inferno in diretta (Cut and Run) (1984)
Seagull Island (The Secret of Seagull Island) (1981 - )
Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali (Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals) (1977)
Velluto nero (Black Velvet) (1976)
Emanuelle nera: Orient reportage (Emanuelle in Bangkok) (1976)
Emanuelle nera (Black Emanuelle) (1975)
Lisa e il diavolo (Lisa and the Devil) (1973)
Le passager de la pluie (Rider on the Rain) (1970)
The Legend of Lylah Clare (1968)
Le gendarme de Saint-Tropez (1964)
Sodom and Gomorrah (The Last Days of Sodom and Gomorrah) (1962)
La banda degli onesti (The Band of Honest Men) (1956)