Hristo Shopov's movies and tv series

Juzni vetar (South Wind) (2019 - )
Juzni vetar (South Wind) (2018)
Fourth Estate (2013 - ) (2011)
Undisputed III: Redemption (Undisputed 3: Redemption) (2010)
HDSP: Hunting Down Small Predators (2010)
Command Performance (2009)
Double Identity (2009)
La masseria delle allodole (The Lark Farm) (2007)
L'inchiesta (The Final Inquiry) (2006)
Karol, un uomo diventato Papa (Karol: A Man Who Became Pope) (2005)
The Passion of the Christ (The Passion of Christ) (2004)
I Am David (2003)
Vchera (Yesterday) (1988)