Julien Guiomar's movies and tv series

Léolo (Leolo) (1992)
Astérix et le coup du menhir (Asterix and the Big Fight) (1989)
Les ripoux (Le cop) (1984)
Inspecteur la Bavure (Inspector Blunder) (1980)
Mort d'un pourri (The Twisted Detective) (1977)
L'aile ou la cuisse (The Wing or The Thigh?) (1976)
Adieu poulet (The French Detective) (1975)
L'incorrigible (Incorrigible) (1975)
La moutarde me monte au nez (French Mustard) (1974)
La proprietà non è più un furto (Property Is No Longer a Theft) (1973)
Les mariés de l'an deux (The Scoundrel) (1971)
Le voleur (The Thief of Paris) (1967)
Le roi de coeur (King of Hearts) (1966)