Richard Farnsworth oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Straight'in Hikayesi (The Straight Story) (1999)
Lassie (1994)
Sonsuz Kaçis (The Getaway) (1994)
Highway to Hell (1991)
Havana (1990)
Ölüm kitabi (Misery) (1990)
Dedektif Jake (The Two Jakes) (1990)
Good Old Boy: A Delta Boyhood (1988)
Anne of Green Gables (1985)
Zirvede (Rhinestone) (1984)
The Natural (1984)
The Grey Fox (1982)
Maskeli süvari (The Legend of the Lone Ranger) (1981)
Ruckus (1980)
Tom Horn (1980)
Resurrection (1980)
Eve gelen atli (Comes a Horseman) (1978)
The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox (1976)
Kanunun bekçisi (The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean) (1972)