Waise Lee's movies and tv series

Sit ting fung wan (Overheard) (2009)
Yee dou hung gaan (Inner Senses) (2002)
Am zin (Running Out of Time) (1999)
Wing Chun (1994)
Siu ngo gong woo: Dung Fong Bat Bai (The Legend of the Swordsman) (1992)
Jing goo juen ga (Tricky Brains) (1991)
Ruan Ling Yu (Center Stage) (1991)
Dip huet gai tau (Bullet in the Head) (1990)
Sien lui yau wan II: Yan gaan dou (A Chinese Ghost Story II) (1990)
Ke tu qiu hen (Autumnal Lament in Exile) (1990)
Ying hung boon sik (A Better Tomorrow) (1986)