Virginia McKenna oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Ethel ve Ernest (Ethel & Ernest) (2016)
Rastlantinin böylesi (Sliding Doors) (1998)
Staggered (1994)
The Camomile Lawn (1992)
Duel of Hearts (1991)
Mahserin dölü (Holocaust 2000) (1977)
The Edwardians (1972 - 1973)
Waterloo savasi (Waterloo) (1970)
Ring of Bright Water (1969)
Hür Doganlar (Born Free) (1966)
Kaptanin intikami (The Wreck of the Mary Deare) (1959)
Meçhul Ajan (Carve Her Name with Pride) (1958)
The Smallest Show on Earth (1957)
Cehennem yolu (A Town Like Alice) (1956)
Zalim deniz (The Cruel Sea) (1953)