
134 film veya dizi
Hızlı ve Öfkeli: Tokyo Yarışı (The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift) (2006)
Tetikçi 2 - Yüksek gerilim (Crank: High Voltage) (2009)
Iyi Olan Kazansin (This Means War) (2012)
Ölümcül Takip (Blitz) (2011)
Tasiyici (The Transporter) (2002)
Tetikçi (Crank) (2006)
Tetikçi (Shooter) (2007)
Indiana Jones ve Kristal Kafatasi Kralligi (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) (2008)
Beyaz Saray Düstü (White House Down) (2013)
Muhbir (Snitch) (2013)
Intikam yolu (Drive Angry) (2011)
60 saniye (Gone in Sixty Seconds) (2000)
Medusa darbesi (The Bourne Supremacy) (2004)
Kimliksiz (Unknown) (2011)
Parker (2013)
Çanakkale Yolun Sonu (Gallipoli: End of the Road) (2013)
Savasin Çiçekleri (Jin ling shi san chai) (2011)
Zorro efsanesi (The Legend of Zorro) (2005)
Jonah Hex (2010)
3:10 Yuma Treni (3:10 to Yuma) (2007)
Çelik Yumruklar (Real Steel) (2011)
Watchmen (2009)
A-takimi (The A-Team) (2010)
Büyük hazine: Sirlar kitabi (National Treasure: Book of Secrets) (2007)
Gri Kurt (The Grey) (2011)
Conan (Conan the Barbarian) (2011)
Rambo-Ilk kan 2 (Rambo: First Blood Part II) (1985)
Yasak krallik (The Forbidden Kingdom) (2008)
Tasiyici 3 (Transporter 3) (2008)
Solomon Kane (2009)