
59 film veya dizi
Inanilmaz Örümcek-Adam 2 (The Amazing Spider-Man 2) (2014)
Hızlı ve Öfkeli 4 (Fast & Furious) (2009)
Apokalipto (Apocalypto) (2006)
Harry Potter ve Felsefe Tasi (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) (2001)
Beastly (2011)
Harry Potter ve Zümrüdüanka Yoldasligi (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) (2007)
Karanliklar ülkesi - Evrim (Underworld: Evolution) (2006)
Prometheus (2012)
Harry Potter ve melez prens (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) (2009)
Harry Potter ve Sirlar Odasi (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) (2002)
Eyyvah eyvah 2 (Oh Dear 2) (2011)
G.O.R.A. (2004)
Harry Potter ve Azkaban Tutsagi (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) (2004)
Harry Potter ve Ölüm Yadigârlari: Bölüm 2 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2) (2011)
Harry Potter ve Ates Kadehi (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) (2005)
Ghajini (2008)
Benim Adim Khan (My Name Is Khan) (2010)
Koku - Bir katilin hikayesi (Perfume: The Story of a Murderer) (2006)
CM101MMXI Fundamentals (Cem Yilmaz: CM101MMXI Fundamentals) (2013)
Hobbit: Beklenmedik Yolculuk (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey) (2012)
Harry Potter ve Ölüm Yadigârlari: Bölüm 1 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1) (2010)
Pan'in Labirenti (Pan's Labyrinth) (2006)
Ajan Salt (Salt) (2010)
Fanaa (Destroyed in Love) (2006)
Karayip korsanlari - Ölü adamin sandigi (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest) (2006)
Karayip Korsanlari: Gizemli Denizlerde (Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides) (2011)
Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever (Love Loves Coincidences) (2011)
Black (2005)
21 (2008)
Kanlı Elmas (Blood Diamond) (2006)