14 film veya dizi
6 Güç (Shazam!) (2019)
Titans (2018 - )
Aquaman (Ahab) (2018)
Adalet Birligi (Justice League) (2017)
The Flash (2014 - )
Gelecegin Efsaneleri (Legends of Tomorrow) (2016 - )
Wonder Woman (2017)
Suicide Squad: Gerçek Kötüler (Suicide Squad) (2016)
Batman v Superman: Adaletin Safagi (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) (2016)
Çelik Adam (Man of Steel) (2013)
Kara Sövalye Yükseliyor (The Dark Knight Rises) (2012)
Batman Basliyor (Batman Begins) (2005)
Kara Şövalye (The Dark Knight) (2008)
Yesil Fener (Green Lantern) (2011)