Yerli Dram

20 film veya dizi
Celal Tan ve Ailesinin Aşırı Acıklı Hikayesi (The Extreme Tragic Story of Celal Tan and His Family) (2011)
Elveda Katya (2012)
Babam ve Oğlum (My Father and Son) (2005)
Kasaba (The Town) (1997)
Bi Küçük Eylül Meselesi (A Small September Affair) (2014)
Unutursam Fısılda (Whisper, If I Forget) (2014)
Mucize (The Miracle) (2015)
Tamam miyiz? (Are We OK?) (2013)
Dedemin insanlari (My Grandfather's People) (2011)
Issız Adam (Alone) (2008)
Sonsuz Bir Ask (2015)
Beyaz Melek (The White Angel) (2007)
Birleşen Gonuller (Two Hearts as One) (2014)
Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever (Love Loves Coincidences) (2011)
Kelebegin ruyasi (The Dream of a Butterfly) (2013)
Uzun hikaye (Uzun Hikaye) (2012)
Kabadayı (For Love and Honor) (2007)
Neva (2013)
Deli Deli Olma (Piano Girl) (2009)
Senden Bana Kalan (What's Left of You) (2015)