
1417 film veya dizi
Kiz erkek meselesi (It's a Boy Girl Thing) (2006)
Yedi (Se7en) (1995)
Kutup ekspresi (The Polar Express) (2004)
Kediler ve köpekler (Cats & Dogs) (2001)
Hansel ve Gretel: Cadi Avcilari (Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters) (2013)
Pamuk Prenses ve Avci (Snow White and the Huntsman) (2012)
Percy Jackson & Olimposlular - Simsek hirsizi (Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief) (2010)
Titanlarin savasi (Clash of the Titans) (2010)
Titanlarin Öfkesi (Wrath of the Titans) (2012)
Temel içgüdü (Basic Instinct) (1992)
Kutup macerasi (Eight Below) (2006)
Gülün adi (Der Name der Rose) (1986)
Hobbit: Beklenmedik Yolculuk (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey) (2012)
Aman tanrim! (Evan Almighty) (2007)
Kamçili adam (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) (1984)
Kutsal Hazine Avcilari (Raiders of the Lost Ark) (1981)
Dikey limit (Vertical Limit) (2000)
Seref ve cesaret (Hart's War) (2002)
Talihsiz serüvenler dizisi (A Series of Unfortunate Events) (2004)
Acil Teslimat (Premium Rush) (2012)
Askin yasi yok (The Rebound) (2009)
Polis Okulu 2: Ilk Görev (Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment) (1985)
Hayalet Avcilari (Ghostbusters) (1984)
Polis Akademisi 4: Herkes Devriye (Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol) (1987)
Yildiz Savaslari: Imparator (Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back) (1980)
Sevgililer günü (Valentine's Day) (2010)
80 Günde Devr-i Alem (Around the World in 80 Days) (2004)
Yildiz Savaslari: Bölüm II - Klonlarin Saldirisi (Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones) (2002)
Carrie: Günah Tohumu (Carrie) (2013)
Yildiz Savaslari: Bölüm III - Sith'in Intikami (Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith) (2005)