Seri Filmler

122 film veya dizi
Kung Fu Panda (2008)
Maymunlar Cehennemi: Baslangiç (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) (2011)
Evde Tek Basina 2 (Home Alone 2: Lost in New York) (1992)
Evde tek basina (Home Alone) (1990)
Örümcek-Adam 2 (Spider-Man 2) (2004)
Matrix Reloaded (The Matrix Reloaded) (2003)
Yildiz Savaslari: Bölüm II - Klonlarin Saldirisi (Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones) (2002)
Terminatör kurtulus (Terminator Salvation) (2009)
Cehennem silahi 2 (Lethal Weapon 2) (1989)
Salak ile avanak (Dumb and Dumber) (1994)
Çiplak silah (The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!) (1988)
Çiplak silah 2½ - Korkunun kokusu (The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear) (1991)
Çiplak Silah 33 1/3: Son Hakaret (Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult) (1994)
Maymunlar Cehennemi (Planet of the Apes) (1968)
Maymunlar cehenneminde isyan (Conquest of the Planet of the Apes) (1972)
Transformers: Ay'in Karanlik Yüzü (Transformers: Dark of the Moon) (2011)
Rocky (1976)
Rocky II (1979)
Polis Akademisi 6: Sehir Kusatma Altinda (Police Academy 6: City Under Siege) (1989)
Polis Akademisi 5: Miami Sahili Görevi (Police Academy 5: Assignment: Miami Beach) (1988)
Bitirim Ikili 3 (Rush Hour 3) (2007)
Maymunlar Cehennemi: Safak Vakti (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) (2014)
Taksi (Taxi) (1998)
Bicagin Iki Yüzü 2 (Blade II) (2002)
Hababam Sınıfı (The Chaos Class) (1975)
Hababam Sinifi Sinifta Kaldi (The Rascals' Class Misses its Grades) (1976)
Müzede bir gece (Night at the Museum) (2006)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)
Siyah Giyen Adamlar 3 (Men in Black 3) (2012)
Siyah giyen adamlar (Men in Black) (1997)