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Transformers: Ay'in Karanlik Yüzü (Transformers: Dark of the Moon) (2011)
Hücre 211 (Celda 211) (2009)
Mavi Boncuk (The Blue Bead) (1974)
Canım Kardeşim (My Dear Brother) (1973)
Armageddon (1998)
Ölümcül deney: Insanligin sonu (Resident Evil: Extinction) (2007)
Karanliklar ülkesi (Underworld) (2003)
Maskeli kahraman Zorro (The Mask of Zorro) (1998)
Son durak (Final Destination) (2000)
Bizim aile (1975)
Hayalet sürücü (Ghost Rider) (2007)
Titanlarin savasi (Clash of the Titans) (2010)
Çöpçüler krali (The King of the Street Cleaners) (1977)
Çiçek Abbas (Abbas in Flower) (1982)
Hızlı ve Öfkeli (The Fast and the Furious) (2001)
Blade: Trinity (2004)
RED 2 (RED 2) (2013)
Büyük hazine (National Treasure) (2004)
Örümcek-Adam 3 (Spider-Man 3) (2007)
King Kong (2005)
Hızlı ve Öfkeli 5: Rio Soygunu (Fast Five) (2011)
Vizontele Tuuba (2003)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2007)
Son durak 3 (Final Destination 3) (2006)
3:10 Yuma Treni (3:10 to Yuma) (2007)
28 gün sonra (28 Days Later...) (2002)
Parker (2013)
Babil (Babel) (2006)
Barda (In Bar) (2007)
Hababam Sinifi Tatilde (The Dunce Class on Vacation) (1977)