
31 film veya dizi
Borat: Sanli Kazakistan Milletinin Çikarlarini Arttirmak Için Amerikan Kültürünün Incelenmesi (Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan) (2006)
Er Ryan'ı Kurtarmak (Saving Private Ryan) (1998)
Seytanin avukati (The Devil's Advocate) (1997)
Prestij (The Prestige) (2006)
Hayat Güzeldir (La vita è bella) (1997)
Savas Tanrısı (Lord of War) (2005)
Günah Şehri (Sin City) (2005)
Ihtiyarlara yer yok (No Country for Old Men) (2007)
Sil Baştan (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) (2004)
Yedi (Se7en) (1995)
Dövüş Kulübü (Fight Club) (1999)
Milyonluk Bebek (Million Dollar Baby) (2004)
V - V for Vendetta (V for Vendetta) (2005)
Baba 3 (The Godfather: Part III) (1990)
Baba 2 (The Godfather: Part II) (1974)
Baba (The Godfather) (1972)
Sevginin Gücü (Léon) (1994)
Pardon (2005)
Yeşil Yol (The Green Mile) (1999)
Kill Bill: Volume 2 (Kill Bill: Vol. 2) (2004)
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
Ucuz Roman (Pulp Fiction) (1994)
Yeni hayat (Cast Away) (2000)
Esaretin Bedeli (The Shawshank Redemption) (1994)
Constantine (2005)
Matrix Revolutions (The Matrix Revolutions) (2003)
Matrix Reloaded (The Matrix Reloaded) (2003)
Matrix (The Matrix) (1999)
Yüzüklerin Efendisi: Kralin Dönüsü (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) (2003)
Yüzüklerin Efendisi: Iki Kule (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) (2002)