
89 film veya dizi
Hiz Tutkusu (Need for Speed) (2014)
Kasimda ask baskadir (Sweet November) (2001)
Karanliklar ülkesi - Evrim (Underworld: Evolution) (2006)
Harry Potter ve Sirlar Odasi (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) (2002)
Matrix Revolutions (The Matrix Revolutions) (2003)
Harry Potter ve Ates Kadehi (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) (2005)
Harry Potter ve Azkaban Tutsagi (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) (2004)
Harry Potter ve Ölüm Yadigârlari: Bölüm 2 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2) (2011)
Kadin akli erkek akli (The Ugly Truth) (2009)
Hızlı ve Öfkeli 4 (Fast & Furious) (2009)
Joe Black (Meet Joe Black) (1998)
Cesur (Brave) (2012)
Harry Potter ve Ölüm Yadigârlari: Bölüm 1 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1) (2010)
Constantine (2005)
Hansel ve Gretel: Cadi Avcilari (Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters) (2013)
Pearl Harbor (2001)
Buz devri 2 - Erime basliyor (Ice Age: The Meltdown) (2006)
Kayıp Balık Nemo (Finding Nemo) (2003)
Yalancı yalancı (Liar Liar) (1997)
Truva (Troy) (2004)
Digerleri (The Others) (2001)
Pers Prensi: Zamanin Kumlari (Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time) (2010)
Bay ve bayan Smith (Mr. & Mrs. Smith) (2005)
Savas Tanrısı (Lord of War) (2005)
Son samuray (The Last Samurai) (2003)
Melekler ve seytanlar (Angels & Demons) (2009)
Bay evet (Yes Man) (2008)
Thor (2011)
Ocean's 11 (Ocean's Eleven) (2001)
Muhtesem Gatsby (The Great Gatsby) (2013)