146 film veya dizi
Rezervuar Köpekleri (Reservoir Dogs) (1992)
Kelebek etkisi (The Butterfly Effect) (2004)
Smokin (The Tuxedo) (2002)
Arabalar 2 (Cars 2) (2011)
Kimliksiz (Unknown) (2011)
Zamana Karsi (In Time) (2011)
Sil Baştan (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) (2004)
Büyük Budapeste Oteli (The Grand Budapest Hotel) (2014)
Milyonluk Bebek (Million Dollar Baby) (2004)
Hızlı ve Öfkeli: Tokyo Yarışı (The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift) (2006)
Bitirim Ikili 3 (Rush Hour 3) (2007)
Büyük hazine (National Treasure) (2004)
Alis harikalar diyarinda (Alice in Wonderland) (2010)
Makinist (The Machinist) (2004)
Maymunlar Cehennemi: Baslangiç (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) (2011)
3:10 Yuma Treni (3:10 to Yuma) (2007)
Apokalipto (Apocalypto) (2006)
Polis Okulu 2: Ilk Görev (Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment) (1985)
G.I. Joe: Misilleme (G.I. Joe: Retaliation) (2013)
Bay evet (Yes Man) (2008)
Azap yolu (Road to Perdition) (2002)
Felekten bir gece (The Hangover) (2009)
Kazanma Sanati (Moneyball) (2011)
25. saat (25th Hour) (2002)
Gandhi (1982)
Ihtiyar Delikanli (Oldeuboi) (2003)
Sihirbazlar Çetesi (Now You See Me) (2013)
Charlie'nin çikolata fabrikasi (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) (2005)
Bebek Firarda (Baby's Day Out) (1994)
Inanilmaz Örümcek-Adam 2 (The Amazing Spider-Man 2) (2014)