Çok İyiler

339 film veya dizi
Madagaskar (Madagascar) (2005)
Transformers (2007)
Srek 2 (Shrek 2) (2004)
Karanliklar Ülkesi: Uyanis (Underworld Awakening) (2012)
Ölüm Yarisi (Death Race) (2008)
Inanilmaz Örümcek-Adam 2 (The Amazing Spider-Man 2) (2014)
Buz devri (Ice Age) (2002)
Elysium: Yeni Cennet (Elysium) (2013)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
New York Ceteleri (Gangs of New York) (2002)
Harry Potter ve Felsefe Tasi (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) (2001)
Gelecege Dönüş 3 (Back to the Future Part III) (1990)
Harry Potter ve Zümrüdüanka Yoldasligi (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) (2007)
Yüzyüze (Face/Off) (1997)
Ocean's 12 (Ocean's Twelve) (2004)
X-Men: Birinci sinif (X: First Class) (2011)
Karanliklar ülkesi - Evrim (Underworld: Evolution) (2006)
Uzay Oyunlari (Ender's Game) (2013)
Prometheus (2012)
Yapay zeka (Artificial Intelligence: AI) (2001)
Harry Potter ve melez prens (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) (2009)
Göl evi (The Lake House) (2006)
Büyük Balik (Big Fish) (2003)
Para Avcisi (The Wolf of Wall Street) (2013)
Inanilmaz Örümcek-Adam (The Amazing Spider-Man) (2012)
Harry Potter ve Sirlar Odasi (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) (2002)
X-Men Baslangiç: Wolverine (X-Men Origins: Wolverine) (2009)
Ask sarhosu (Love & Other Drugs) (2010)
Isyan (Equilibrium) (2002)
Kaptan Amerika: Kis Askeri (Captain America: The Winter Soldier) (2014)