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154 film veya dizi
Yol (The Road) (2009)
Zeitgeist (2007)
Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Egitmenler (Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei) (2004)
Son umut (Children of Men) (2006)
Sahtekar (Changeling) (2008)
Robotlar (Robots) (2005)
Suretler (Surrogates) (2009)
Karayip Korsanlari: Gizemli Denizlerde (Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides) (2011)
Zafer Yollari (Paths of Glory) (1957)
Cengiz Han (Mongol) (2007)
Da Vinci sifresi (The Da Vinci Code) (2006)
Truva (Troy) (2004)
Annie Hall (1977)
Pi (1998)
Tetikçiler (Looper) (2012)
Stalingrad (2013)
Ekümenopolis: Ucu olmayan sehir (Ecumenopolis: City Without Limits) (2011)
Arinma Gecesi: Anarsi (The Purge: Anarchy) (2014)
Alis harikalar diyarinda (Alice in Wonderland) (2010)
King Kong (2005)
Aman tanrim! (Bruce Almighty) (2003)
Patch Adams (1998)
Sikiysa yakala (Catch Me If You Can) (2002)
Golgesizler (The Shadowless) (2009)
Baba 3 (The Godfather: Part III) (1990)
Korkunç Bir Film (Scary Movie) (2000)
Özgürlük Yolu (Into the Wild) (2007)
Altina hücum (The Gold Rush) (1925)
Yüz numarali adam (1978)