
71 film veya dizi
Let's Be Evil (2016)
Kurtulus Günü 2: Yeni Tehdit (Independence Day: Resurgence) (2016)
5. Dalga (The 5th Wave) (2016)
Godzilla (2014)
Yasak Bölge 9 (District 9) (2009)
The Thirteenth Floor (1999)
Galaksinin Koruyuculari (Guardians of the Galaxy) (2014)
Kurtulus günü (Independence Day) (1996)
Mesaj (Contact) (1997)
Dünyalar savasi (War of the Worlds) (2005)
Sinek (The Fly) (1986)
Yenilmezler: Ultron Çagi (Avengers: Age of Ultron) (2015)
Evrim (Transcendence) (2014)
2012 (2009)
Yarindan sonra (The Day After Tomorrow) (2004)
Ölümcül deney - Kiyamet (Resident Evil: Apocalypse) (2004)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Transformers: Ay'in Karanlik Yüzü (Transformers: Dark of the Moon) (2011)
Kelebek etkisi 2 (The Butterfly Effect 2) (2006)
Æon Flux (2005)
28 hafta sonra (28 Weeks Later) (2007)
Resident evil: Ölümden sonra (Resident Evil: Afterlife) (2010)
Yesil Fener (Green Lantern) (2011)
Resident Evil 5: Intikam (Resident Evil: Retribution) (2012)
Meet Dave (2008)
Ölümcül deney: Insanligin sonu (Resident Evil: Extinction) (2007)
Dünya Istilasi: Los Angeles Savasi (Battle Los Angeles) (2011)
Canavar (Cloverfield) (2008)
Transformers: Kayip Çag (Transformers: Age of Extinction) (2014)
Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savas (Battle for the Planet of the Apes) (1973)