Frameby | batibayketenci - Beğenilenler
Yeryüzündeki Son Ask (Perfect Sense) (2011)
Günah Sehri: Ugruna Öldürülecek Kadin (Sin City: A Dame to Kill For) (2014)
Kader (Destiny) (2006)
Vampirle görüsme (Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles) (1994)
New York Ceteleri (Gangs of New York) (2002)
Hizli ve Öfkeli 7 (Furious Seven) (2015)
Wanted (2008)
Dünya Savasi Z (World War Z) (2013)
Katil Doganlar (Natural Born Killers) (1994)
Savas Tanrısı (Lord of War) (2005)
Ocean's 11 (Ocean's Eleven) (2001)
Kapidaki düsman (Enemy at the Gates) (2001)
Pardon (2005)
The Godfather Trilogy: 1901-1980 (1992)
Yenilmezler (The Avengers) (2012)
Hobbit: Beklenmedik Yolculuk (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey) (2012)
Baba 3 (The Godfather: Part III) (1990)
Can Dostum (Good Will Hunting) (1997)
Oyun (The Game) (1997)
Zamanin Ötesinde (Predestination) (2014)
Kuzularin Sessizligi (The Silence of the Lambs) (1991)
Ölü Ozanlar Derneği (Dead Poets Society) (1989)
Terra Nova (2011)
The 4400 (2004 - 2007)
Kayıp (Lost) (2004 - 2010)
47 Ronin (2013)
Gandhi (1982)
Digerleri (The Others) (2001)
Milyonluk Bebek (Million Dollar Baby) (2004)
Baba (The Godfather) (1972)